What are the available courses and projected release dates?

currently releasing
Kindergarten Social Studies (est. December 2023 – units releasing on blog now)
Kindergarten Science (est. December 2023 – units releasing on blog now)
2nd grade Science (est. February 2023 – units releasing on blog now)
2nd grade Social Studies (est. February 2023 – units releasing on blog now)

coming soon
1st grade Science (est. July 2024)
1st grade Social Studies (est. July 2024)
3rd grade Science (est. July 2024)
3rd grade Social Studies (est. July 2024)

Art History and Appreciation (K-8)
Music History (3-8)
Nature Studies (K-5)
Handwriting for Composition (K-3)


Who are you?

I’m Julie Fuller, homeschool mom of nine.  I hope to rope other people into my endeavor eventually, but for now, it’s me.  In addition to homeschooling, I have a B.A. in History and English Education.  I’m also a second-generation homeschooler!


Is this curriculum secular?

Yes. The impetus for this curriculum was my need for material to put in a portfolio for a public charter school, and subsequent discovery that the homeschool curricula available for kindergarten social studies that included some kind of written demonstration of work was a bit thin on the ground.  So yes, this is completely and utterly secular.

That said, I am a relatively conservative Baptist, and I am writing deliberately for the homeschool community.  Whether you are secular or not, I hope you will not find anything disagreeable.


Is this curriculum Common-Core?

This is a difficult question.  I consult with state standards, including Common Core, when deciding what topics to include.  My goal is to provide a very usable curriculum that, in general, “ticks the boxes.”  If you are a public school teacher, you would need to align it with your local standards and make adaptations.  It does NOT have the standard correlations laid out, nor does it have a lengthy teacher manual to cover every detail. It also excludes certain topics that may be objectionable, such as human origins, prehistory, and gender/sexuality.

If you are a homeschooler trying to establish a portfolio of work, I hope this gives you something to work with. If you find a significant standard is missing that is causing you to struggle with your portfolio, please tell me and I will try to add or revise the curriculum accordingly.


Can I share it with a friend?

No.  I am making this curriculum available for free, but the people who purchase it are a necessary part of fueling future development.  Please share the link to the site, not the actual PDFs.  Your friend can download it for themselves or choose to purchase it and support the curriculum.


Can I use it with more than one child?

You may use it with all the children in one family, including foster children and overnight visitors.

Co-ops, group homeschools, and pods need to buy a group license, which is $5 per seat, per class, per year.  You may not use the free PDFs in a multi-family or co-op setting.  Yes, this is on the honor system.  I have no way of knowing if you’re buying a license for every child or not.  But, again, supporting future development, yaddy yaddy yada. 🙂 A single co-op using this curriculum for a year could fund an entire new level for everyone!

Thank you for your honesty.


What about corrections and updates?

Please send me errors!

My intention is to provide updates to textbooks for free to those who have purchased them.  I have not figured out yet technically how to automate that process; stay tuned.

It’s also possible that if this whole thing turns out to be a success, that I might do “extended editions” of some of the subjects, and in that case, I plan to provide a purchase credit toward the extended edition (so for instance, if the extended edition is $25 and you had already bought the $15 original edition, you could upgrade for $10).


Can I download it next year?

No.  This is too hard on the technical side for the size press we are and the low price of the textbooks.  Download your curriculum right away, because it’s going to vanish.  Back it up.